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National Novel Writing Month

November is National Novel Writing Month! This is somehow my favorite and least favorite part of the year. Spooky season is upon us, and nothing is scarier than committing to 30 days of writing!

I've done NaNoWriMo for many years now, so I feel fairly experienced. I've been participating in NaNo since 2011, though I haven't won every year. I will never forget the year I was out of the house on November 30th and didn't get to submit my writing before the deadline and didn't technically win that year-- lesson learned!

As of this writing, I still have no idea what I'm doing for NaNoWriMo this year. I have a few stories I'm working on, so I may do a semi-NaNoWriMo. By that I mean, I may not write a completely new story, but rather do a re-write of a story. A bit non-traditional, but the goal is to write, right? This counts.

I may not have planned exactly what I'm doing yet, but I did sit down and make a workbook for how I like to prep! I've done plotter years and I've done pantser years (this year is going to be a bit of both, it seems), and this guide is my go-to. Even if I don't have a plot per se, I will always have characters and a theme. Or if I don't have characters, I have a plot. I generally have at least two of the three.

If you are new to NaNoWriMo, aren't sure what you want to write, are a vet that needs a fresh perspective, or are just curious about my thought process, jump over to the store and grab my NaNoWriMo Workbook!

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